Mustafa Qammar Celebrates His Brother’s Wedding by Singing with Hamaqy and A’bbass

  • News
  • 12:40 PM - 20 December 2010
  • 4 photos

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Artist Mohamed Hammaqy also attended the festivities whereby he dedicated a song to the newly married couple. Whilst giving his performance Hammaqy asked Mustafa Qammar and his brother to join him and thus the trio presented a marvelous performance with Hammaqy singing some of Qammar’s titles and vice versa. They were later joined by Hisham A’bbas thereby giving the evening a musical flair that was enjoyed by all those in attendance.Artist Mustafa Qammar celebrated his brother’s marriage to Reham Ghoneim on the 17th of December, 2010 in a ceremony that was held at the Vermont hotel in Heliopolis. The occasion was attended by a large number of artists and literary figures including renowned writer Anis Mansour, actor Hany Salama and poets Amir Tou’aima, Reda Ziad and A’mr Al Gazzim. Moreover, actor Hamadeh Hilal and his spouse were also in attendance.

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