Abou O’umeira Revives the Spy Genre By Launching “Al Saf’aa” (“The Slap”)

  • News
  • 10:29 AM - 28 December 2010
  • 3 photos

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Director Magdy Abou Ou’meira will soon commence filming his latest TV drama “Al Saf’aa” (“The Slap”). The title is an adaptation of real-life accounts filed with Egyptian intelligence. Shooting is expected to begin on the 20th of the upcoming month of January. Magdy has selected performers Shereef Mounir, Khaled Al Nabawwy and Hussein Fahmy to star in the series, however, the search for a female lead is still ongoing. Filming will take place in Egypt and several European countries including Austria, France and England. The production company has so far allocated 50 million pounds to the work’s budget.The screenplay for “Al Saf’aa” (“The Slap”) is credited to Ahmed A’bd Al Fattah and is produced by the Serengei Company. The work covers a time period that stretches from 1957 until the October war which took place in 1973. Thus the intelligence war between the Israeli Mossad and Egyptian intelligence following the Arab defeat in 1967 plays a pivotal role in the production. In particular the series takes a close look at the life of an Israeli intelligence officer who is portrayed by Khaled Nabawwy. The series also looks at Jewish immigration into Israel following the Tripartite Aggression which took place in 1956.

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