30 Seconds of A’del Imam For 4 Million Dollars!

  • News
  • 12:01 PM - 28 December 2010
  • 2 photos

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Acting legend A’del Imam has recently agreed to become the promotional face for a telecommunications company. To this effect A’del Imam, who is also known as “Al Za’eem” (“The Leader”) has in fact filmed an advertisement with director A’mr Arafa who had insisted on directing the work. It is expected that the advertisement will be aired on satellite networks during New Year’s celebrations.A media official working at the ad firm responsible for promoting the commercial has stated that A’del Imam completed shooting in one day and that, moreover, the session only took 30 seconds. “Al Za’eem” appears on the advertisement and says: “Our strength doesn’t lie in the fact that we are 80 million but rather in the fact that there is strength within each one of us”. Following the conclusion of filming A’del Imam took part in photo sessions intended for billboards.Worthy of note is that Al Za’eem has charged 4 million dollars for taking part in the advertisement in addition to placing conditions for his participation. Some of Imam’s conditions were that he would not mention the name of the company being promoted and that the advertisement would not be screened during the slot appointed for his new TV drama “Firqat Naggy A’t Allah” (“Naggy A’t Allah’s Band”) which is scheduled to premier in Ramadan 2011. Imam’s final condition was that he would utter only one sentence throughout the course of the advertisement.On another note A’del Imam is preparing to commence shooting his upcoming work “Firqat Naggy A’t Allah” (“Naggy A’t Allah’s Band”). The screenplay for the series is credited to Youssif Mua’tty and is directed by Ramy Imam. The work represents Imam’s first return to television roles following an extended hiatus. Apart from A’del Imam the work also features the talents of Eiyad Nassar from Jordan, Saloum Haddad from Syria, Fady Ibrahim from Lebanon and actress Kinda A’loush who is also from Syria. Moreover, Egyptian performers Mohamed Imam and A’mr Ramzy will also partake in the work.The series relates the story of a retired general who decides to rob an Israeli bank with the help of his sons. He is later captured by Hezb Allah and transported to Syria and thence to Iraq. His trials don’t end there however as he is kidnapped by an armed group from South Africa. Thus the general finally convinces his sons to donate the stolen money for the cause of ending hunger in South Africa.

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