Menna Shalaby Refutes Accounts that She has Withdrawn from “Wahid Sahih” (“The True One”) and Describes Such Claims as Ridiculous Hearsay

  • News
  • 10:44 AM - 30 December 2010
  • 3 photos

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Performer Menna Shalaby has described accounts which have circulated recently regarding her alleged withdrawal from the new production “Wahid Saheeh” – which stars Hany Salama – as “laughable rumors”. In particular Menna has denied the more specific claim that the supposed withdrawal is due to a conflict she had with Hany Salama. To this effect Menna has affirmed that she maintains her leading role in the production and that relations between her and Hany, and in fact the cast in general, are in a good state.“Wahid Saheeh” relates the story of a man in search for a spouse. Three young woman are put forward as potential brides each of which has a unique quality that the man would have liked to see in his ideal partner. Thus our hero finds himself in a bit of a quandary and finally decides to marry all three women.Accounts which were circulated regarding Menna’s alleged withdrawal have cited varied reasons for the supposed act. One reason cited for the false claim is that Menna simply could not allocate enough time for the production seeing as she is already engaged in the filming of three other films at the same time, those titles being: “Beebo wa Basheer”, “Izza’at Houb” (“Love Broadcast”) and “Markaz Al Tigarra Al A’llamy” (“World Trade Center”). Moreover Menna’s contract for the production of another television series titled “Ikhtifaa” (“Vanish”) which is set to premier next Ramadan was also cited as an ancillary cause. However Menna has confirmed that she is still committed to “Wahid Saheeh” in addition to her other projects.

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