Hany Salama Awaits Good News with the Start of the New Year

  • News
  • 11:04 AM - 30 December 2010
  • 3 photos

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Performer Hany Salama has announced that he is anticipating good news as his wife Periham is expected to give birth sometime around the start of the new year. Hany Salama presently has a daughter named Maryam who is three years old. He has revealed to close relations that he is expecting another girl but has yet to decide on a name for her.On another note Hany is preparing to commence filming for his latest film title “Wahid Sahih” (“The True One”) over the next few days. The production will be directed by Ahmed A’laa and utilizes a screenplay authored by Tamer Habib. Aside from Hany the work also features the talents of Menna Shalaby, Donia Samir Ghanem, Bassma and Kinda A’loush. The film relates the story of a youth in search of a wife. Three women are put forward as potential suitors, each of which has a characteristic that he would wish to see in his ideal mate. Thus the hero finds himself in a bit of quandary and ends up marrying all three!

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