Mostafa Qammar Nominates Edward to Act Alongside Him in “al-Muammrah” (“The Conspiracy”)

  • News
  • 11:44 AM - 20 January 2011
  • 3 photos

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Mustafa Qammar has nominated his colleague Edward to act alongside him in his latest title “al-Muammrah”. The work represents Qammar’s first return to cinema following a hiatus. “al-Muammarah” employs a screenplay that was prepared by Ahmed al-Bayeh, Mohamed Hamdy directs the work. Filming is scheduled to begin in the coming month of March following the recruitment of the remaining cast members.Worthy of note is that Edward had previously collaborated with Qammar on the cinema title “Mafeesh Faydah” (“No Hope”). That title was screened in 2008 and was Qammar’s last cinema role before presenting the television work “Muntaha al-A’ishq” (“Absolute Desire”) which was screened over the last month of Ramadan.

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