Shereen Takes Part in “Halla Febrayer” for the Second Time

  • News
  • 12:38 PM - 22 January 2011
  • 2 photos

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Musician Shereen A’bd Al Wahab will hold a concert as part of the activities of the “Halla Febrayer” festival. The occasion is the largest art festival in Kuwait and is held annually. Shereen had previously taken part in the festival in the years 2006 and 2008. She will also take part this year in a ceremony which will be held on the 4th of February.Shereen is continuing her preparations for a new album which is slated for release at the beginning of next summer. She has completed recording several of the work’s songs and is still in the process of choosing a few more. The album is her first following the birth of her second daughter “Hanna”.

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