Dolly Chahine Acts in Lebanon for the First Time

  • News
  • 01:20 PM - 25 January 2011
  • 2 photos

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Following several years that the actress has spent active in Egyptian drama, Dolly Chahine has finally undertaken her first Lebanese drama project. To this end the Lebanese actress has agreed to undertake a leading role in the television series “Liqaa” (“Rendezvous”). The title is directed by Bakhous E’lwan and utilizes a screenplay authored by Rana al-Faqeeh.“Liqaa” develops a context of social and political drama and offers a portrait of Lebanese society by delving into the social interactions that represent its core. Filming is scheduled to begin over the following few days and the series is expected to be ready-to-air on local and satellite networks by the following month of Ramadan.

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