Khaled Saleh Holds Workshops for “al-Rayyan” in Preparation for Assuming His Role in the Series

  • News
  • 12:42 PM - 26 January 2011
  • 2 photos

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Performer Khaled Saleh is poised to begin shooting his new television series “al-Rayyan” sometime towards the middle of the upcoming month of February. The series is set to relate the biography of the famous Egyptian businessman Ahmed al-Rayyan. The figure was at the center of much controversy in the 1980s when he was accused of fraud and other crimes. He was later convicted and sentenced to 23 years in prison. Ahmed al-Rayyan, who was recently released from jail, has not objected to the adaptation of his life story into a television series, something which could in part be due to the fact that the screenplay which was written by Hazem al-Hadeedy relies greatly on al-Rayyan’s self-authored memoirs. Khaled Saleh has held workshops with al-Rayyan in an effort to learn more about the individual and to better understand his character make-up.

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