Mona Zaky: Bring Habeeb al-A’daly to Trial

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  • 05:39 PM - 3 February 2011
  • 1 photo

Mona Shazly has hosted an international call from actress Mona Zaky on her television program “Al A’shira Masaan” (“Ten in the Evening”). In the televised call Mona expressed her sadness with regards to the events taking place in Egypt. The star also added that the real culprit behind the destruction and the intimidation of the public is the Egyptian Ministry of the Interior.The actress who took part in the popular revolt which began on the 25th of January has called for the deposed Egyptian minister of the interior Habeeb al-A’daly to be brought to trial. Mona blames the minister for what has passed in terms of lapses of security and transgressions committed by Security forces.

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