Al-Sa’dany: The Revolution’s Youths Who Brought Down Pharaoh are Greater than Sa’ad Zaghloul

  • News
  • 08:32 AM - 6 February 2011
  • 3 photos

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In an interview with “al-Dastoor”, the renowned actor Salah al-Sa’dany has stated that the youths responsible for the revolution of the 25th of January are greater than Sa’ad Zaghloul due to the fact that – for the first time in Egypt’s history – Pharaoh’s regime has been undermined. Never before in the history of Egypt has Pharaoh acquiesced to the demands of the populous. Furthermore al-Sa’dany has apologized to those youths and has said that he and the rest of his generation were naive to underestimate the will of the popular movement which began on the 25th of January, a movement which was brave enough to confront a president who has not been successfully challenged throughout his thirty years of rule.Al-Sa’dany has also warned those involved in the uprising against the outlaws who threaten to undermine their efforts. However, al-Sa’dany has also added that despite his anxieties he is confident in the abilities of the movement to complete the historic achievement that they have put in motion.

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