Tamer Hosny Provides a Tearful Singing Tribute to the Martyrs of the Revolution

  • News
  • 12:44 PM - 7 February 2011
  • 2 photos

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Tamer Hosny has released a song titled “Martyrs of the 25th” that is intended for the martyrs of the uprising which began on the 25th of January. The lyrics to the song were authored by Tamer Hosny and was aired on Friday the 6th of February exclusively on Tamer’s official channel on youtube. Some of the song’s lyrics include: “Stand up and let us recall the story of the manhood, honor and greatness of the years… My brethren and loved ones who went forth and sacrificed so that millions could live… May the Lord grant steadfastness to all of the mothers and fathers who have suffered a loss… Reassure their hearts that they are with You… Egypt, your youths have made history in two short days…”Reception for the song has varied as some have considered it very touching while others have considered it a ploy by Tamer to regain some of the popularity which he has lost. Critics recalled that he had stated in an interview with Egyptian television that he supports president Hosni Mubarak. Moreover critics have also noted that the change which Tamer calls for has already come to pass and that now the protesters must leave so as to end the crisis and restore security.Tamer adds in his song that the blood of the martyrs was not shed in vain as the change that they have sought has occurred.

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