Shereen ‘Abd Al Wahab Joins Protesters at Tahrir

  • News
  • 12:37 PM - 8 February 2011
  • 2 photos

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Actress Shereen ‘Abd Al Wahab has joined protesters assembled at Tahrir Square. In a televised call to Aljazeera, the actress stated that she will not sing on Egyptian television, nor will she appear on it due to the lies that it has broadcast concerning the protesters at Tahrir and its efforts to call their patriotism into question when in fact they represent the majority of the Egyptian public.Furthermore Shereen has directed a statement to Mubarak stating that if he is indeed Egypt’s president and is concerned about the nation’s security then he should call immediately for the prosecution of those responsible for the death of hundreds of martyrs involved in the revolution. Thereafter Shereen concluded her televised call by singing the Egyptian national anthem and expressing that she is behind the protesters and supports their efforts.

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