Mona Zakky in a Show of Support for Youthful Protesters at Tahrir

  • News
  • 11:32 AM - 9 February 2011
  • 2 photos

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Mona Zakky took part in protests at Tahrir yesterday in the company of her husband Ahmed Helmy. The couple were warmly received by demonstrators. Following that experience Mona Zakky stated that she unequivocally support the youths of the revolution and their legitimate demands, she also adds that the protesters and herself call for change and that the concessions yielded so far by the government are insufficient. Moreover Mona has added that the constitution must be reformed and that parliament should be dissolved in order to make way for a national unity government.Mona has asserted that she has supported the revolution from its outset, moreover she has also taken part in local efforts to clean her neighborhood. Zakky adds that she believes that the country is undergoing a positive change despite the challenges that were encountered and the lives which were lost.With regards to whether or not the actress was concerned that her political position could adversely affect her career, Zakky states that livelihood is God’s prerogative and that therefore she harbors no fears in that regard.

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