Magdy Ahmed ‘Aly Documents the Revolutions of the 25th of January

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  • 01:03 PM - 11 February 2011
  • 1 photo

Director Magdy Ahmed ‘Aly has made use of his daily presence at Tahrir Square to capture some real-life images of demonstrations held at the square. The director is presently drafting an outline for a new documentary film about the revolution.Magdy and his son Ahmed Magdy Ahmed ‘Aly filmed demonstrators at Tahrir and intend to use that material for the production of several documentary film works about this momentous political event which they describe as unique historically.Worthy of note is that the director has been holding intensive workshops with screenwriter Mohamed Rifa’y in order to iron out the final details of the film “al-Dunya Agmal” (“Life is Beautiful”) which is adapted from a novel by the same name. The film discusses religious extremist groups in the 1970s and incidences of terrorism. Magdy Ahmed ‘Aly had asserted that as soon as the screenplay is completed, it will be presented to the regulatory authorities in order to acquire that body’s approval. Concurrently, the director is working on choosing the cast for the film which will be predominantly composed of new faces and adolescents representing youths that were recruited by the organizations mentioned earlier.

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