Eman al-Bahr calls for the execution of al-‘Adly at a public square

  • News
  • 12:45 PM - 15 February 2011
  • 1 photo

As restitution for the lives of hundreds of martyrs, thousands injured, tens of thousands of political detainees who were tortured without mercy and as recompense for allegedly ordering the release of imprisoned convicts in order to terrorize citizens, for Khaled Sa’id and Sayyid Bilal and for the oppression, injustice, violence and other crimes inflicted upon the Egyptian people, Habib al-‘Adly should be tried and executed in a public square for all to see. Those were the demands of musician Eman al-Bahr Derwish as he has asserted that the suspected crimes of former interior minister Habib al-‘Adly and his allegedly ordering the use of live fire against protesters in lieu of rubber bullets and tear gas are in his opinion sufficient reasons for the use of the death penalty.Eman al-Bahr who is the grandson of folklore artist Sayyid Derwish, also avowed that he will personally pursue a legal case against the former interior minister because he wrongfully detained his son after he had sung a song for the martyred Khaled Sa’id in Alexandria and dedicated for him the song “Asheelak ya Dannaya Sheil”.

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