Durra pleased that she has witnessed two revolution in both her homelands Egypt and Tunisia

  • News
  • 10:55 AM - 17 February 2011
  • 2 photos

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Tunisian actress Durra has expressed her profound happiness regarding the fact that she has witnessed two revolutions which have taken place in both of her countries, “Egypt and Tunisia” in the space of about one month. The two revolutions saw the public overthrow regimes which were dictatorial. Durra has asserted that this has come to pass due to the efforts and sacrifices of youths who instigated the revolutions in order to realize a better future which she is confident will be realized.Durra had also posted a statement on her facebook page which read: “Tunis holds my heart and Egypt has my soul. We have gone through one month which has witnessed two revolutions that have affected the lives of millions. God has protected us and our homelands. I will continue to cherish all of you and I hope for a better future for all of us.”

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