Berlin International Film Festival celebrates the Egyptian revolution

  • News
  • 01:37 PM - 18 February 2011
  • 1 photo

Art and politics have come together at a seminar which was held at the German Academy for the Arts in Berlin to express solidarity with the Egyptian revolution. Participants at the seminar have agreed that they expect a brighter future for Egypt in all aspects following the ousting of former president Hosny Mubarak’s regime.The seminar took place as part of the activities of the Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale). Artists, media men and political scientist present at the event have praised the peaceful and civilized nature of the revolution. Moreover, audiences condemned European and American support for the previous regime over the past 30 years in addition to their support for other authoritarian regimes in the Middle East.Klaus Staeck, president of the Berlin Academy of the Arts commenced activities by praising the success of the Egyptian people at ousting a regime that had denied them their rights. Staeck expects that the revolution will elevate dialogue between Europe and the Arab World to new heights. The president of the academy has also added that the requests made by Egyptian for liberty during the course of the revolution have touched artists everywhere.

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