Director Hosny Saleh resumes work on “Wadi al-Molouk” (“Valley of Kings”) following the return of stability

  • News
  • 10:26 AM - 21 February 2011
  • 2 photos

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The filming of the television series “Wadi al-Molouk” (“Valley of Kings”) resumed today at the al-Gabiry studio in Dahshour. The series, which is directed by Hosny Saleh, features the talents of Sabreen and Summaya al-Khashab.The director has also drafted a plan to maximize the crew’s efforts in order to make up for lost time. Work on the series had commenced on the 27th of the previous month of January – one day before the “Friday of Anger”. Consequently filming was suspended for a period of three weeks due to the lack of stability.

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