Leonardo Di Caprio rendezvous with “The Great Gatsby” at Sydney, Australia

  • News
  • 01:23 AM - 25 February 2011
  • 2 photos

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Australian director Baz Luhrmann has chosen the Australian city of Sydney as the location where he will film his upcoming title, an adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s famous novel “The Great Gatsby”. It was announced that Leonardo Di Caprio is slated to play the leading role in the film.Kristina Keneally, premier of the district of New South Wales where Sydney lies has said “Could we have dreamed of better recognition for what we provide in terms of world class filming services? We’ve earned the chance to host the production of a well-known novel about New York before New York itself.”Filming will take place at the Fox studios in Sydney. “The Great Gatsby” was adapted for cinema works several times. The most famous such adaptation goes back to 1974 and starred Robert Redford and Mia Farrow. That title was directed by Jack Clayton.

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