Tamer Hosny sings for the Egyptian army

  • News
  • 02:06 AM - 26 February 2011
  • 2 photos

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Musician Tamer Hosny has released his latest song “Mutshakireen ya Geshna” (“Thank You Our Army”) on the web and on his facebook account. Tamer has dedicated the song for the army in recognition of the role that they played in helping the Egyptian revolution.The musician had recently released two other songs titled “Shuhadaa 25 Yanayir” (“The Martyrs of the 25th of January”) and “Sabah al-Kheir ya Masr” (“Good Morning Egypt”). Both tracks were aired on the Mazzika satellite channel. Moreover Tamer is also working on recording new songs for an titled “Shuhadaa 25 Yanayir” (“The Martyrs of the 25th of January”) which is expected to appear on the market soon.

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