Hanan Tourk decreases her salary for “Rassayil” (“Messages”)

  • News
  • 01:55 AM - 10 March 2011
  • 1 photo

Actress Hanan Tourk has decided to decrease her salary for the television series “Rassayil” due to the present circumstances witnessed in Egypt. Her announcement comes following producer Ahmed Anwarr’s statement to the effect that he has decided to decrease the series’ budget. Anwarr further indicated that he is holding negotiations with the rest of the crew to decrease their salaries and affirmed that Hanan, who assumes the leading role in the work, has agreed to decrease her salary like the rest of the crew in order to see the work through to its conclusion. Anwarr also indicated that the crew intends to complete work on the series so that it could air by next Ramadan. The producer also fixed the upcoming month of April as the deadline for the commencement of filming. Thereafter progress will go according to plan so that filming could be completed before Ramadan, thus allowing the series to air according to schedule.

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