Shereen ‘Abd Al Wahab leaves Cairo for Beirut

  • News
  • 12:13 PM - 11 March 2011
  • 2 photos

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Actress and musician Shereen ‘Abd Al Wahab is residing in Beirut for a short period in order to shoot the video clip for her new song “Ma Ba’tazirsh” (“I am not Sorry”). The project, which is of a clandestine nature, is directed by Lebanese director Walid Nasseef.On another note authorities have decided to delay looking at the complaint lodged by the “’Allam al-Fann” company against Shereen. The company has accused Shereen of violating the rights for the song “Butoonis Beik”. The relevant session will now be held on the 19th of the current month of March.Shereen had performed the song “Butoonis Beik”, which is originally attributed to the artist Warda al-Jazzairiyah, on a television program. The ‘Allam al-Fann company claims that Shereen received payment for that performance thus invoking article 181 of law number 82 for the year 2001 which protects intellectual property rights with the penalty of a fine or jail time.‘Allam al-Fann has called for a temporary compensation of five thousand and one pounds for damages caused by Shereen allegedly using the song’s lyrics and composition unlawfully.

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