Miriyam Faris, first Lebanese artist to visit Iraq since 2003

  • News
  • 10:56 AM - 17 March 2011
  • 2 photos

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Lebanese artist Miriyam Faris is to hold a late night concert at Baghdad’s Nady al-Seyd on the 20th of the current month of March. The occasion will make Miriyam the first Lebanese artist to visit Iraq since its invasion in 2003.The concert will be hosted by media man ‘Umar Hady who has taken it upon himself to coordinate between Faris and Nady al-Seyd, a responsibility which he assumes in such matters involving Arab artists visiting Iraq. Audiences in Iraq hope that Miriyam will present an Iraqi song during the concert, nonetheless some would have wished if the tickets were cheaper as the current price is approximately 400 US dollars per person.Arab artists are generally wary of holding concerts in Iraq due to the lack of security there. The last Arab artist to hold a concert at Baghdad’s Nady al-Seyd was Moroccan artist Hasna in 2010.

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