Hany Shaker turns down offers for a salary in tribute to the people of Tunis

  • News
  • 09:41 AM - 21 March 2011
  • 1 photo

Arab music legend Hany Shaker has hosted a massive festival at the Tunisian capital. The event was a gesture organized by the Egyptian government to thank the people and government of Tunis for hosting and helping Egyptian nationals who were on their way back from Libya. Shaker had refused the offer of a salary while contracting with the Egyptian government whereby the musician has affirmed that he had turned down his whole salary in appreciation for the people of Tunis and in order to celebrate the success of the revolutions of Egypt and Tunisia.The festival which was sponsored and organized by the Egyptian embassy in Tunis and held at the al-Qubba stadium had coincided with celebration for the Tunisian national day which is celebrated on the 20th of March.Shaker presented some songs from his latest album which included “Ba’dak ma Leesh” (“None other than you”), in addition to songs from previous albums and a group of nationalistic songs in celebration for the success of the Egyptian and Tunisian revolts. One of the most outstanding such songs was “Eed Wahda” (“One Hand”), a song which he had previously performed following the bombings at the al-Qideeseen church in Alexandria. The lyrics to the song were authored by Dr. Nabil Khalaf while the composition is credited to Walid Sa’ad. Moreover, the song was distributed by ‘Aadel ‘Aayesh. Shaker also presented a song titled “Sawt al-Shahid” (“Voice of the Martyr”) which he presented to the martyrs of the January Revolution. The lyrics to the song were authored by the Palestinian poet Ramy Youssif. Hany Shaker composed the song while ‘Adel ‘Ayesh distributed it.

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