Hend Sabry delays her career obligations over the next few months due to her pregnancy

  • News
  • 11:13 AM - 21 March 2011
  • 2 photos

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Actress Hend Sabry has decided to put off all creative and media obligations over the coming period due to the fact that she is in a late stage of her pregnancy and requires rest in anticipation of her firstborn child. Hend had recently completed film work on the title “Asmaa”, an effort which saw her work with director ‘Amr Salama. The work was completed before the signs of her pregnancy were obvious. The actress is now awaiting the selection of the date for the premier of the title. It should also be noted that Hend had recently completed shooting several videos with ‘Amr Salama. Throughout the videos Hend explained a few political concepts so as to proliferate those understandings amongst people and to create a sense of political awareness. The campaign sought to extend what was achieved by the popular revolts in Tunisia and Egypt in terms of changes in national consciousness.

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