Kareem ‘Abd Al ‘Azeez considers making a film about the January Revolution

  • News
  • 11:27 AM - 22 March 2011
  • 2 photos

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Actor Kareem ‘Abd Al ‘Azeez has stated that he is thinking about making a film which would document the events of the January Revolution. The actor also refuted claims that he was opposed to the revolution or attacked its supporters whereby he has asserted that he has supported the revolution from its outset through television interviews.Kareem also noted that the days of the revolution saw him feeling the most pride for being an Egyptian and that the experience taught him a lot with regards to belonging, love and freedom. Moreover he has also felt great happiness for his countrymen who pressed on with the revolt for democracy and reminded the world once again who the Egyptian people are.Despite the fact that the revolution and the associated curfew have severely affected revenues from his new title “Fassil wa Na’oud” (“We Will Return Following the Break”), Kareem has explained that he was not concerned with the film’s revenue despite the fact that it was significantly affected. Thus Kareem explains that the revolution trumps any personal gains or box office returns.

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