‘Amr Diab faces legal action for the song “al-lee Beiny wa Beinak” (“Between Us”)

  • News
  • 02:22 PM - 23 March 2011
  • 3 photos

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Musician and composer Mohamed Raheem has affirmed that he will pursue legal action against musician ‘Amr Diab due to the fact that the song “al-lee Beiny wa Beinak”, which he had composed, had been leaked onto the internet. Raheem stated that the January Revolt had encouraged him to take this step especially as several years have passed since his conflict with Diab. In a statement to ‘Ayn newspaper, Raheem said “The first step I will take following the revolution is to pursue legal action against ‘Amr Diab as he has wronged me in the past and took what was rightfully mine. I had once offered him a musical score for “al-lee Beiny wa Beinak” and offered to waive my rights for the song on the condition that he sings it. However he declined and leaked the tune onto the internet after Gannat had performed it.”The composer further added that in his opinion his initial silence may have led ‘Amr Diab to believe that he was above the law as he signed a contract with a mobile company which later issued the song without first acquiring written consent from Raheem or from the poet who had written the lyrics to the song. Moreover Diab had performed the song at several recorded concerts without taking into account the rights of the company which had produced Gannat’s album, “Good News”.‘Amr Diab has thus far not released any response to Raheem’s accusations or to his decision to take legal action.

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