Khaled Saleh hopes to portray the ousted president

  • News
  • 04:31 AM - 24 March 2011
  • 2 photos

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Actor Khaled Saleh has expressed a wish to portray either the ousted Egyptian president Hosny Mubarak or his Tunisian counterpart Zein el-‘Abdin bin ‘Aly in a drama work. Saleh believes that their personalities, their psychological make-up and the circumstances which they experienced are rich. Moreover the actor believes that their roles could unleash his acting potential.In an interview with satellite network al-Hayyah, Saleh further explained that this does not mean that he sympathizes with the ousted president in any shape or form. Moreover he also believes that any of his positive achievements – either as a civilian or as a soldier – will not be recalled by history following 30 years of corruption which tainted his administration. This is particularly so seeing as several martyrs had to give up their lives for the revolution which saw him being ousted.On another note, Saleh is awaiting the premier of his latest film “Kaff al-Qammar” (“Palm of the Moon”) which was directed by Khaled Youssif. Saleh considers the work to be an important transition in his career due to the enormous efforts which he has expended while filming and also due to the importance of the film in its own right which can be considered a chronicle of the years which have preceded the January Revolution and led to its occurrence.

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