‘Adel Imam portrays Mubarak in “al-Darba al-Gawwiya” (“Air Strike”)

  • News
  • 03:00 AM - 1 April 2011
  • 2 photos

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‘Adel Imam has received a permit from the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces to begin filming at a military airbase. This follows his decision to put together a film titled “al-Darba al-Gawwiya” which is to recount the biography of ousted Egyptian president Hosny Mubarak.The events of the cinema title – according to an article published in the ‘Ayn newspaper – will recount events which took place between 1950 and 1981 whereby emphasis will be placed on Mubarak’s role in the 1973 Ramadan War. ‘Adel Imam has indeed commenced filming several indoor scenes after filming for the series “Firqat Naggy ‘At Allah” (“The Band of Naggy ‘At Allah”) was halted. The screenplay for “al-Darba al-Gawwiya” was authored by Youssif Mu’atty and the title is directed by Shereef ‘Arafa.

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