May ‘Ezz al-Deen agrees to a reduction of her salary for “Villa Karma”

  • News
  • 05:02 AM - 10 April 2011
  • 2 photos

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Artist May ‘Ezz al-Deen has expressed her preliminary agreement to a reduction of her salary for the television series “Villa Karma” ahead of a meeting with the title’s producer Amir Shawqy.May had signed a contract for the leading role in the series two years ago for a compensation of 3.5 million pounds. The performer’s new salary has not yet been determined. May’s agreement to the reduction in her salary follows the news that Lebanese producer Sadeq al-Sabah – Amir Shawqy’s partner in the film project – intended to recruit another female lead after May had signed a contract for the television series “Adam” with artist Tamer Hosni. “Villa Karma” employs a screenplay which was authored by Ayman Salama, the work is produced by the Arab Screen company. May ‘Ezz al-Deen assumes the leading role in the series.

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