Miriam Faris heads to Morocco in the footsteps of Ragheb ‘Allama

  • News
  • 03:58 AM - 12 April 2011
  • 2 photos

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Lebanese star Miriyam Faris is preparing to travel to Morocco over the next few days to record the video clip for her new song “Ya Sariyah” which forms part of her Gulf Arabic album “Men ‘Eyouni” (“From my Eyes”). The album is expected to be released soon.The Lebanese musician chose to work in the city of Essaouira in the south of Morocco after reports had circulated which implied that she would film her new work in the suburbs of the coastal city of Agadir.It is expected that Miriyam will add another song in the Moroccan dialect to her album following the success of the song “Habibi Talah” which she presented during the trivia shows last year.By choosing to film her video clip in Morocco, Miriyam has joined a list of Arab artists who have started heading to Morocco to film their works. Those artists were preceded by the Lebanese star Ragheb ‘Allama who had expressed his will to film two video clips at two different locations in Morocco following his most recent visit to the country towards the end of March 2011. Whilst there ‘Allama held a special concert on the Mezghan tourist boat which lies close to the coastal city of al-Gadida in addition to joining a guest star on the “Studio Duzim” talent show which airs on Moroccan channel two.

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