Kareem ‘Abd Al ‘Azeez to return to Egypt at the start of the coming week

  • News
  • 01:11 PM - 13 April 2011
  • 2 photos

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Actor Kareem ‘Abd Al ‘Azeez has affirmed that doctors have finally cleared him for air travel so that he could return to Egypt. The development comes almost three weeks after the health crisis he suffered and his resultant inability to travel coupled with a period of convalescence spent in London.Kareem further added – as part of a telephone statement given to the Rose al-Youssif newspaper – that he currently feels that his health has recovered completely and that he will return to Egypt towards the beginning of the following week after tying some loose ends in London over the next three days. It is recalled that Kareem had discovered that he had developed eight lung infarctions while undergoing a full health check while in London three weeks ago. Doctors then booked him into the hospital immediately whereby procedures were undertaken to treat his condition. Kareem then had to remain in the hospital in order to guarantee that the infarctions do not reform.

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