Nagwa Karam song leaked

  • News
  • 04:38 AM - 14 April 2011
  • 2 photos

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A new song attributed to Lebanese musician Nagwa Karam titled “Wein” (“Where”) has been leaked. The artist had delayed the release of the song more than once for about three years. The leaked song was made available to thousands of Nagwa Karam’s fans on the website “Youtube”.Some of the lyrics to the song go: “What did you say? I didn’t hear, didn’t understand. Four hours and twenty minutes, could you tell me where you were? Over and above all of this you’re asking where I am? Where could I be, I am here.”The album will see Nagwa collaborate with a large number of lyricist who include Nazar Francis, Salim ‘Assaf, Hussein Isma’il, Maurice Tawila and Marcel Madour. Moreover she will also be working with composers Salim ‘Assaf, Toni ‘Anqah, Rawad Ra’d, Wissam al-Ameer and George Mardorsian. The album includes eight varied songs such as “Dalil”, “Tam’atak”, “’Eini be ‘Einak” (“My Eye for Yours”), “Baya’ al-Yanasib” (“Lottery Ticket Seller”), “Law Bas Ti’raf” (“If You but Knew”) and “Shoo Hal Laila”

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