Mahmoud Hemeida is father of the bride

  • News
  • 04:24 AM - 25 April 2011
  • 1 photo

The Egyptian actor Mahmoud Hemeida disappeared, he showed up only once in the fashion designer Mohamed Daagher’s funeral. A number of Hemeida’s friend confirmed that he is occupied with the preparation of his daughter’s wedding to Saaleh Fawzy who directed the documentary film “Geld hayy i.e. Vivid skin” and was awarded in Tetouan International Fesvtial.Mahmoud is following every single detail in the wedding, which will take place in less than two weeks.The Egyptian actor participated lately in the operetta “Hekaayet thawra i.e. A revolution story”, written by Ahmad Haddaad “grandson of Salaah Jaheen and Fouad Haddaad”.

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