Bin Laden assassination in an American film

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  • 12:43 PM - 3 May 2011
  • 1 photo

Source: AgenciesOnce the US President Obama declared Bin Laden’s assassination, Hollywood studios begin preparing a film about the wanted number one in the world.“Variety” magazine and “Hollywood Reporter” website said that “Kathryn Bigelow” and “Mark Boal”, director and producer of the film about war in Iraq and Academy Award winner “The hurt locker” in 2009, are preparing to shoot a film about Bin Laden later this summer. Most likely the film will be titled “Kill Bin Laden”.“Reporter” website mentioned that the film is already prepared and covers a secret American attempt to kill Al-Qaeda leader. After the 40-minutes Bin Laden’s assassination in a complex near Islamabad on Sunday, the filmmakers will surely add this scene.Variety magazine quoted that Boal was planning to travel to Afghanistan, next week, to survey shooting locations. However, he postponed his travel after the assassination. Kathryn and Mark are waiting to see World’s reaction towards Bin Laden’s murder.Worth mention, that Australian actor Joel Edgerton will participate in the film.

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