Hamdy Kandeel returns to Egyptian Television with his sharpened pencil

  • News
  • 03:39 AM - 4 May 2011
  • 2 photos

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Media superstar Hamdy Kandeel is preparing to return to the Egyptian TV with his famous program “Kalam rossaas i.e. A pencil”, after several years of being banned because of his anti-Regime opinions and his continuous attacks on former political leaders.Kandeel closed a deal with SONO Cairo to host two episodes on Thursday and Friday, provided that none of TV management has the right interfere or amend. His conditions have been totally accepted by TV officials, giving him free hand.TV officials asserted that the return of Kandeel is a great value-added to the Official State TV. Stating that negotiations were at the beginning to host “Masr ennahaarda” but Kandeel preferred to return with his famous program.It is scheduled to re-launch “Kalam rossaas” on May 13th.

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