Lamita Franjeyyeh joins “Wadee’ and Tohaamy”

  • News
  • 10:56 AM - 5 May 2011
  • 5 photos

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In secrecy, Lebanese model, TV host and actor Lamita Franjeyyeh arrived to Cairo few days ago to seal a deal with Gamaal Marawaan’s Melody Pictures company to play the leading female role in the film “Ana badee’a ya Wadee’ i.e. I am getting lost Wadee’”. She, participates with the famous Melody TV campaign booming stars; Wadee’ (Amgad Aabed) and Tohaamy (Ayman Kandeel).Shereef Abdeen’s “Ana badee’y ya Wadee’” is written by Muhammad Fadl, a comedy telling the story of a cinema superstar (Lamita Franjeyyeh) who meets Wadee’ and Tohaamy, hence events follow.Five months ago, filmmakers first chose Imane Chaker, (Miss Morocco), to play the leading role but they did not come to an agreement, thus they chose Lamita.The exact time to screen the film has not been decided yet.

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