Robert De Niro is most likely to play the man with the largest fraud case in history

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  • 02:23 PM - 15 May 2011
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American cable network HBO announced that Robert De Niro is most likely to play the American tycoon accused of fraud, Bernard Madoff in a new film.New York Times newspaper said that HBO has picked up the rights of “The wizard of lies” bestseller and De Niro is most likely to play Madoff.The network will broadcast in May 23, “Too big to fail”, another film about Madoff who was sentenced for 150 years of jail in July 29 after being involved in the biggest fraud case in history.Madoff was accused of 11 charges; including fraud, perjury and money laundering through the case in which he defrauded a big number of companies and establishments where billions of USD were involved.

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