Dorra denies being the alternative of Rania Youssef in “Al-Rayyaan”

  • News
  • 02:53 PM - 20 May 2011
  • 2 photos

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Tunisian actor Dorra expressed her happiness to work again with director Sherine ‘Aadel in “Al-Raayaan” TV series after their successful “Al-‘aar i.e. Disgrace” last Ramadaan.Dorra also confirmed her pleasure to stand in front of Khaaled Saaleh for the first time, especially because he is a great actor and she could learn from him a lot. Being Tunisian, it would be a great opportunity for Dorra to revive the 1970s and 1980s of Egypt because “Al-Rayyaan” highlights this period in Egypt.On the other hand, Dorra denied being the alternative of Rania Youssef in the series, confirming that she was offered a dual-female leading role along with Rania. Upon Rania’s retreat, Rihaam Abdul Ghafour took the role.

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