Soumayya al-Khash-shaab condmens “The ridiculous rumor” about her run for Presidency

  • News
  • 04:58 AM - 24 May 2011
  • 2 photos

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Actor Soumayya al-Khash-shaab expressed her strong dissatisfaction with the story published by several newspapers and websites on her intention to run for presidency. She described the news as “Ridiculous Rumor” spread by a person who wants to get her.Soumayya declined the rumor on her personal Facebook page, where she said there is no truth to this at all especially she does not have Twitter account as rumors claimed.She added that she is focusing on acting and singing only, specifically on finishing shooting her upcoming TV series “Waady al-Molouk i.e. Valley of the Kings” set for release in Ramadaan.Soumayya has received a major share of attack and mockery on internet upon publishing false news stating her intention to run for presidency in support of the role of women in society.

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