Decent dancing outfits for “Ghaada Abdul Raazek” to suit the month of Ramadaan!

  • News
  • 01:24 PM - 5 June 2011
  • 2 photos

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Actor Ghaada Abdul Raazek said that the drama line of her role, “Samaara”, in the TV series with the same name scheduled to broadcast during next Ramadaan, requires wearing dance outfits, yet, she chose to wear decent dresses to suit the Holy month of Ramadaan!Ghaada pointed, in an interview with “Sayyedaty” magazine, that she made a short trip to London specifically to choose her upcoming role clothes and at the same time she chose appropriate for the Holy month.Elsewhere, Ghaada denied her concern towards the success of the series because she is one of the so-called “Black List” artists after demonstrating for ex-President Hosny Moubaarak, which provoked Revolutionists. Stressing that it should be a separating line between art and politics, audience have to judge her roles not her political point of views.

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