Ghaada Abdul Raazek kisses “Samaara” goodbye

  • News
  • 09:49 AM - 7 June 2011
  • 3 photos

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Actor Ghaada Abdul Raazek starts shooting her external scenes of the TV series “Samaara” in some streets of Old Cairo and some apartments in Zamaalek, after finishing all the internal scenes in the Media Production City studios and King Tut studio.Ghaada said: “I finished all my internal scenes in the series, only two weeks are remaining for external scenes and some miscellaneous shots to finalize the episodes that director Muhammad al-Nokaly is currently editing one-by-one. “I play a completely different role in “Samaara” than all my other previous roles. Audience will watch a different “Samaara” than the one played by the great Taheyya Carioca as the drama in the series differs from the drama in the film”, she added.The series enters the world of drug dealers and gangs through the character “Samaara”, who helps an undercover police officer to take part in this field of crime.“Samaara” script-written by Moustafa Moharram, is starring Lucy, Muhammad Lotfy, Yaasser Galaal, Ahmad Wafeek, Sabry Fawwaaz, Zaky Fateen Abdul Wahhaab and Rabaab Taarek.

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