Taamer Hosny launches his album on July 5, 2011

  • News
  • 07:18 AM - 8 June 2011
  • 3 photos

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Singer Taamer Hosny decided to launch his new album “Elly gaay ahla i.e. Sweeter is yet to come” on the 5th of July 2011, after the news spread confirming that he will postpone the step until after the summer because his popularity has fallen in a significant way recently.Taamer cooperated in the album with a number of poets and composers including Ameer Te’eima, Waleed al-Ghazaaly, ‘Amr Tiam, Taamer ‘Aly, Muhammad al-Naady, Kareem Mohsen, Kareem Abdul Wahhaab, Ahmad Ebraheem, Fahd & Faady Badr and Aly Sha’baan.Hsny has finished filming the video clip of his hit “Elly gaay ahla”. The album contains 15 songs, including “Men ennaharda i.e. From now on”. “Dayya’t wa’ty ma’aak i.e. I wasted my time with you”, “Arouh fein? i.e. Where should I go?” and “Ehsaas i.e. Feeling”.

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