Waa’el Jassaar launches “Our Graceful Prophet” on June 22, 2011

  • News
  • 07:33 AM - 16 June 2011
  • 2 photos

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Lebanese singer Waa’el Jassaar decided to release his new religious album “Nabeena al-Zein i.e. Our Graceful Prophet”, produced by “Arabica Music”, on June 22, 2011 after nine months of preparations.It is worth mentioning that the album “Nabeena al-Zein”, targeting children and deals with religious themes in a suitable manner for them. All songs are written by Nabeel Khalaf and composed by Waleed Sa’d.The Lebanese singer confirmed that the album is not part two of “Fee hadrat al-Mahboub i.e. In the presence of the Beloved”, his religious album released on March 2010. Jassaar is also preparing to launch his new romance album “Koll dekeeka shakseyya i.e. A new person every minute”, yet he is waiting for the right time especially that the Arab World is currently witnessing a lot of tension. The album contains two Lebanese songs; written by Mouneer bou-‘Assaaf and composed by Yaasser Galaal and Wasseem al-Boustaany.

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