Cheb Mami in a new duet with Sameera Sa’eed after leaving prison

  • News
  • 05:05 AM - 20 June 2011
  • 3 photos

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Cheb Mami has recently signed a contract to perform his first concert after leaving the prison. The concert will take place in Wejda (Morocco) as part of the Raï Festival starting July 21, 2011. The Prince of Raï and superstar Sameera Sa’eed will perform a new duet as one of the surprises prepared by the festival management and use it to promote the big event.Worth mention, it will not be the first Algerian participation in the Moroccan Raï festival, as Cheb Khaaleb and Cheb Faudel participated in previous editions and contributed to the success of the festival, the same is expected from the awaiting participation of Cheb Mami.

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