Hend Sabry “World Day Against Child Labor” Guest of Honor in Fayyoum

  • News
  • 01:20 PM - 25 June 2011
  • 2 photos

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Source: AgenciesHend Sabry, ambassador for the World Food Programme - Fight Hunger, is marking “World Day Against Child Labor” in the Auberge du Lac Hotel, Fayyoum (South of Cairo).A statement said that the Governor of Fayyoum Mr. Mahmoud ‘Aaassem ‘Afeefy will host the celebration, in the presence of children, their parents, NGOs and UN bodies representatives. Hend will take part by honoring the children in attendance and highlighting the stories of their success in escaping child labor and resuming their education.The children will show their skills through “Sarkha i.e. Scream” programme for talent development in drawing, acting, writing stories and press articles, and making boards of photo-collage to prepare them to be Ambassadors to fight against child labor in their communities.Last year, Hend Sabry visited schools in two villages in Fayyoum that benefit from WFP’s school feeding project Around 400,000 child and family members benefit from the school's nutritional projects executed by the WFP in 11 Egyptian governorates, including the governorates of Beni Sweif, Menya, Sohaag, Kena, and Assyout in addition to the governorate of Fayyoum.WFP is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. Each year, on average, WFP feeds more than 90 million people in more than 70 countries.

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