Mais Hemdaan returns to Saudi Drama

  • News
  • 03:34 AM - 27 June 2011
  • 1 photo

Actor-singer-entertainer Mais Hemdaan is very active; she travelled to Saudi Arabia to film the second part of the first Saudi sitcom “Feinak? i.e. Where are you?”, written by Farouk al-Shou’ayby, directed by Faysal Yamaany and starring As’ad al-Zahraany, Jamaal al-‘Aly and Rania Muhammad.The series revolves around the daily life of a married couple and the problems with their neighbors. In general, the series highlights the Saudi social problems in a separate-related comic frame. It is expected to appear on Saudi TV – Channel 1 next Ramadaan.Mais is happy to re-participate in Saudi drama after “Khaaretat Om-Rakaan i.e. Om Rakaan’s map” which achieved great success. She also played the lead role in the first Saudi film “Keef al-haal? i.e. What’s up? (2006)”.

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