‘Abeer Sabry recuperates after undergoing a surgery

  • News
  • 12:00 PM - 29 June 2011
  • 3 photos

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Actor ‘Abeer Sabry in on recuperation phase after undergoing a surgery in her left eye, a result of weakness in vision ability due to continuous exposure to light for long hours during filming.According to Rose al-Youssef newspaper, ‘Abeer said: “Time ago, doctors advised me to undergo the surgery yet I was busy filming and postponed it, which affected my vision ability. Therefore, I halted everything to undergo the surgery that succeeded.‘Abeer denied the news saying that she disputed with ‘Ola Ghaanem, on the background of her exclusion from the series “Shaare’ Abdul Azeez i.e. Abdul Azeez Street”, she said: Nothing happened between me and ‘Ola, she is not responsible for my exclusion and I do not blame her. It is because of producer Mamdouh Shaheen who violated the agreement as he sent me the script, yet after that I was surprised to know that another actor is playing the role”.

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