Assaala fined 10 thousand pounds in her brother’s defamation suit

  • News
  • 03:09 PM - 2 July 2011
  • 2 photos

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According to al-Yowm al-Saabe’ newspaper, New Cairo Misdemeanor Court, headed by Counselor Ahmad Hosny Abdullaah and the Secretary Mr. Naasser Abdul Raazek, has decreed singer Assaala Nasry a fine of EGP 10,000 in the case of insulting her brother, artistic producer Ayham Nasry.Ayham Nasry has sewed his sister Assaala a defamation case. He said in his claim that he disowns her as sister and he excluded himself and his life from his family’s due to disagreements between them. He announced so in an interview with an artistic magazine, which raised the ire of his sister and made her, intentionally and in bad faith of revenge, on the website, respond that her brother is psycho, he stole her mother’s jewellery and he is taking drugs. Which is considered libel and defamation; thereby he sewed her direct misdemeanor against her.

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